Community Support and Education
Awareness Presentations
The Children's Advocacy Center of Van Zandt County is available for faith-based, educational, community, and civic organization presentations that address awareness and prevention of child abuse.
For school-based presentations to students, the Children’s Advocacy Center of Van Zandt County uses the Play it Safe!® program which uses age-appropriate materials to speak to children Pre-K through high school in ways they can best learn and respond. Scripts and movies are developed through an evidence-informed approach to teach children how to reduce their risk of sexual and physical abuse by recognizing potentially abusive behaviors, responding appropriately to threatening situations, and reporting abuse to a trusted adult. In addition to covering sexual and physical abuse, the middle and high school programs include relevant and timely topics such as harassment and respect, sexting/cyberbullying, healthy relationships, imbalance of power and sexual abuse, dating violence, and non-stranger rape. Since 1983, more than 1.9 million children in North Texas have learned about personal safety from the TEA approved, Play it Safe!® program.
The Children’s Advocacy Center of Van Zandt County also conducts Mandatory Reporting presentations to legally required individuals (like nurses, school staff, daycare workers, teachers, doctors, counselors, etc.) to increase their knowledge and awareness of indicators of child abuse and high risk activties as well as the procedures for reporting suspected child abuse including trafficking.
Given the growing epidemic of child abuse, we also know people in our Van Zandt County community are critical to raising awareness and being a part of our team to fight child abuse and trafficking. General community presentations to civic organizations, religious groups, companies allow open discussions around the signs of child abuse and how to help a child in need.
If we as the Van Zandt County community don’t protect our children……… who will?
For more information, contact Laney Sullivan at 903-567-1212
Request a presentation
If you have further questions please contact the CACVZC at (903) 567-1212 or email info@cacvz.org